Whispering Hill Farm



It's taken me quite a while to be able to come back to visit Twister's site and to finish this last  page………..As I sit here typing with tears streaming down my cheeks, I need to tell you all that we finally had to let Twister go……….

Although Twister never gave up, we finally decided that there was no more that we could do, and we said good-bye to her on January 24, 2004. I miss her so much, but in a way, she lives on. When anyone looks at Dallas……...they all tell me how much he looks like his mother.,,,,and he does!!!

Not what we hoped

But time to say Good-Bye!

 Thanks to


.......who gave us their support over this difficult time……..to all of our friends who always listened, to all my cyber friends who came through with prayers and warm thoughts when I needed them, to Samantha Rossey Kaber who cared for Twister through it all, to Sara Hayden who was Twister's farrier and what  a caring woman she is, to Dr. Burks who tried all he could and then some, and to my Donald who stuck by us the whole way!!

Good-by, my Twister.  Run well, run free.

Donald & Donna Shelatree

1238 Burns Road

Venus, PA 16364

